Wednesday 20 June 2012

Assignment 3 Bridge_ Cryengine 3 Environment

Dining Table

The following images are of my Dining Table placed in the Middle of the island that is located centrally in the valley. The dininig table is made of glass and is supported by letters. The letters spell out each of the companies names and support the table up on two sides. The names are coloured in the company's known colours, blue for facebook and red for coca cola. The glass on the table is also coloured but has a purple oval patch in the middle. This is to signify that although both componies are powerful, both are equal in that power due to the different medias and targets it attracts  and attacts.

Facebook Headquarters

The Image above shows the Facebook Headquarters in its entirety. It displays the f shaped building the bridge, the supporting struts, the elevator and the headquarters room located at the top of the building.

This is the elevator. It is designed through the use of cutting out shapes from a square box. It incorporates facebook since it used an existinf idea and cut out the useful areas and made it more profitable and updated.

The bridge design consists of many square shaped structures that are placed one in front of the other and twisted. They create a double helix shape if viewed from above. The significance of this is that facebook provides that same service to all its users but everyone gains something different than the other, such as a person meeting new friends through it, or keeping in contact with an old friend, relating to the bridge that all the squares are the same but some are rotated differently gaining a different experience.

This image displays the Facebook building. As can be noticed the design incorporates f shaped prisms, which obviously relate back to the first intial of the company. This giant f shape also displays their dominance over social media. It is also supported by columns that criss-cross up the facade which provide its stability as well as providing a link to Facebook through the idea that just as steel linked together is strong, the millions of linkings between users of Facebook make the company strong a powerful.

These images display the interior elevator that provides access to the headquarters from the first floor of the FaceBook F Shaped Building.

Coca Cola Headquarters

This image contains the entrances to the two Coca Cola Buildings which act as the pylons for the bridge that spans the valley. They are on top of a circular stairway which shows the dominance of Coca Cola.

This image contains the indoor lift shaft that is found in both coke bottle pylons. They provide access to the top headquarters.

The design for my headquarters gained inspiration from the famous coke bottle design. I have recreated it making it sleeker and turning it into a building. The two buildings together which have many floors for office working provide stability to the bridge. As can also be seen on the outside of the building, i have thought about the structure and how the building will stand up. Due to its complex design i decided to use a diagrid system in order to support the weight of the building as well as the bridge.

The above image shows the all glass top headquarter of Coca Cola. It contains a ramp to its own helipad above it and an opening towards the bridge. Both the high position of the headquarters as well as the space for a helipad outline coca colas power and world dominance.

The design of the bridge came from the inspiration of the letter c on the coca cola brand logo. The italic letter was incorporated into my bridge design by wrapping aroung the bottle necks of the two pylon buildings and spanning out towards the island found within the centre of the valley.

Both the above and below images are of my elevator design for Coca Cola. The elevator leaves from the end of the c bridge and connects to the ground floor. The design was a simple sketch but it has some underlying meaning. The openness of the design alludes the the fact that although powerful, Coca Cola is vulnerable to consumer demand and economy, just as the elevator is vulnerable to the weather, despite its amazing feats.

Peer Reviews

Draft Cryengine 3 Environments

Dining Table and Elevators Sketch Up Model